Outlining the objectives, Sardar Shakir Mazari said that completion of record and the establishment of district and provincial offices will also be ensured besides linking 1000 religious seminaries with Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan. He said that district contact councils will also be brought into being for the purpose of coordination. He asked every Rafique of MQI to make sure that they hold Halaq-e-Durood at their home on weekly basis. He directed the office-holders to always organize the oath-taking ceremonies wherever they set up a new chapter.
On the 14th March 2009 under the auspices of Minhaj-ul-Qur'an Women League, Mian Chunu, Pakistan, the sisters organized a program to celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). Alhamdulillah, the true message of Milaad un Nabi (peace be upon Him and His family) and of Minhaj-Ul-Qur’an was beautifully and powerfully conveyed to the audience of over 2000 sisters through the deliverance of speech and touching nasheeds
After completion of construction phase, Chairman MQI Supreme Council Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri visited the site of soon to open Minhaj College for Women, Khanewal. On observing the building he said that by supporting the Minhaj Welfare Foundation campaigns donors from Pakistan, around the world and specially through fundraising events organised by Minhaj Women League UK, we have given the best of gifts to the people of South Punjab in the form of this Girls College.
Shaykh-ul-Islam Prof.Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
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