All News

Showing Results: 5071 to 5085 of 5,797
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Peace Award 2008 - Awarded to Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri
International conference: Islam on Peace, Integration and Human Rights
Inaugural ceremony of Minhaj Model English Medium School Haveli Lakha
A One Day Symposium Shariah Clarity Amongst Confusion
MYL UK – Sisters first promotional event
A 5-member US delegation visits Minhaj-ul-Quran International
Minhaj Welfare Foundation launches ‘Aghosh’
MYL UK from Nelson hosted an evening with Fazeelat As-Shaykh Muhammad Saeed As-Sagharji
Meraj un Nabi and The Message of Peace Conference 2008
Talent Excellence Award Ceremony
Second day of Doara Sahih Bukhari & Muslim
Minhaj University Lahore Announced BA Results
First Day of Doara Sahih Bukhari & Muslim
Daura Sahih Bukhari & Muslim 2008
MYL UK National Youth Council (Sisters) Meeting