Living in Black and White : Muslim Scholar Demolishes Religious Justifications for Terror...

March 5, 2010 at 7:05am
I Think that there is definitely a divide in the faith. Although, their religion was founded on violence, it doesn't mean that all Muslims agree with this part of the Koran.(Yes, there was a time of Peace and harmony, but after Muhammad gained power he became very violent among the Jews) The scary thing is that I hope when the Muslim population continues to grow that we have teachers like this that fight against the Muslims that believe they have to abide by everything the Koran stands for. The religion is peaceful if everyone is a Muslim. At least that is what the Majority of the Muslims believe. (but that is the requirement, if you are not a Muslim and you reside in a Primarily Muslim country, you are regarded differently and not equal)(But if you convert you will be living in Peace with Muslims, it is actually a little frightening when you really grasp that concept)
Just like in the Christian Faith there are many controversial issues that can be disagreed with. I think it is the same for the Muslim faith. Although the majority of Christians Believe one way, there is a smaller percentage that are more open to issues such as Gays, Divorce, and other issues that in some cases, if listened to, can be addressed and understood. But, unfortunately the majority of the faith believes one way more than the other.
Muslim Scholar Demolishes Religious Justifications for Terror...
"Violence is violence. It has no place in Islamic teaching", says a leading Muslim scholar in a fatwa, an extended religiously-based argument, directed at those who justify hatred and terror in the name of faith.
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri Ul-Qadri's 600-page analysis is "arguably the most comprehensive theological refutation of Islamist terrorism to date," according to the Quilliam Foundation, the London-based counter-terrorism think tank.
"Terrorism is terrorism," Ul-Qadri, founder of Minhaj-ul-Quran, an organisation claiming hundreds of thousands of followers in South Asia and the United Kingdom, declared.
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri is regarded as a mainstream Muslim scholar who is a "widely recognised and respected authority on Islamic jurisprudence."
At a press conference earlier this week, he criticised Muslims who, in justifying terrorism, say it furthers the goal of correcting wrongs done to Muslims.
"No good intention - even one thousand good intentions put together -- cannot justify a wrong and forbidden act," Ul-Qadri said. "Good intentions cannot convert a wrong into good."
Perpetration of murder and violence in the name of Islam separates people from Allah and from the destiny of paradise, the fatwa says.