Scottish Parliament UK : S3M-5854 Bill Kidd: Anti-terrorism Fatwa

* S3M-5854 Bill Kidd: Anti-terrorism Fatwa—That the Parliament notes the issuing, on 2 March 2010, of a comprehensive fatwa (religious ruling) by the renowned mainstream scholar, Shaikh Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, prohibiting terrorism and suicide bombings; believes that this comprehensive theological refutation of Islamist terrorism sets an important precedent that will allow other scholars to also condemn the ideas behind terrorism and thus end the religious justification for acts of terrorism, and hopes that this ruling will be promoted by the press and other media as evidence of the true belief system of Muslims across Scotland who are opposed to terrorism and indeed reportedly the most likely to be victims of Islamic extremism.
Supported by: Brian Adam*, Ian McKee*, Stuart McMillan*
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