Fatwa on Terrorism: Factsheet

By Indian Newslink 13/08/2011 23:16:00
Islam is a religion founded upon the principle of peace, love and harmony and most Muslims oppose and condemn terrorism.
The global atrocities committed by terrorists and suicide bombers have been rightly rejected by the Muslim community as anti-Islam.
In March 2010, Islamic Scholar Dr Muhammad Ul Qadri issued a Fatwa, stating that terrorist attacks were not only outlawed by Islam but also rendered perpetrators completely out of the fold of the faith. When the forbidden element of suicide is added, the severity is even greater.
A number of religious authorities saw the edict as a crucial step in tackling terrorism and countering the damaging and unfair impact it has had in bringing Muslim communities into disrepute.
What is a Fatwa?
A Fatwa is an Islamic religious ruling, widely misunderstood in Britain as a violent call to arms. The real purpose is to provide a religious decree, giving a certified Islamic viewpoint on controversial issues.
Dr Qadri’s book, comprising 600 pages was the first comprehensive analysis of terrorism, based on research of the Holy Quran, Hadith and Prophetic traditions.
While a majority of Muslims believe that terrorism and suicide bombings go against the grain of Islam, the Fatwa provides official backing for this, demolishing the theological arguments often used by terrorists.
Terrorist groups use their networks to prey on vulnerable young Muslims worldwide. They take advantage of the confusion about religious teachings and capitalise on the fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan, using it for their own despicable ends. They hijack the strong feelings it has created amongst Britain’s
large Muslim population to recruit suicide bombers, using the guise that their murderous acts are carried out in the name of Islam and are justifiable.
The hefty collection of evidence within the Fatwa exposes the serious flaws in these arguments used by violent extremists.
By taking such a clear stance, it better equips young people, families and communities to take an even stronger stand against terrorism.
Terrorism, carnage and mass destruction can never be justified. An evil act remains evil in all its forms and content.
Terrorism amounts to rejection of the Islamic faith.
The Fatwa proves, through interpretations of dozens of Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions that the killing of Muslims and acts of terrorism are not only unlawful and forbidden in Islam but also represent the rejection of faith. It has been established that all the learned authorities have held the same opinion about terrorism in Islam’s 1400 year history.
Islam does not allow and advocate the use of violence against or killing of peaceful and non-combatant citizens under any circumstances.
Those indulging in attacks on peaceful Muslim and non-Muslim citizens, kidnapping them for ransom, torturing them mentally or physically, or keeping them under unlawful custody, are in fact committing serious violations of Islamic teachings.
“Anyone who kills a non-Muslim citizen will not experience the fragrance of the Garden, even though its fragrance can be experienced at a distance of forty years.” (Al Bukhari Al Sahih 3/1155 #2995)