Monthly Spiritual Gathering - June 2012

Monthly spiritual gathering of Minhaj-ul-Quran International for the month of June 2012 was held in the central secretariat of MQI in Lahore. The distinguished participants included Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz, Miskin Faiz-ur-Rehman Durrani, GM Malik, Dr Obaidullah Ranjha, Raja Jamil Ajmal, Rana Muhammad Idrees Qadri, Sayyid Farhat Hussain Shah, Allama Muhammad Hussain Azad, Irshad Tahir, Muhammad Sharif Kamalvi, Jawad Hamid, Shahzad Rasul, Allama Ghulam Murtaza Alvi, Raja Zahid and Haji Muhammad Saleem. A large number of people including women attended the programme for whom separate seating arrangements were made.

The proceedings of the spiritual gathering got underway with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by Naat Khawani. Muhammad Afzal Noshahi, Minhaj Naat Council, Amjab Bilali and other Naat Khawans had the distinct honour of reciting nasheed in the praise of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Allama Ghulam Murtaza Alvi conducted the proceedings in a beautiful manner.

The death anniversary of Sayyidna Tahir Allauddin Qadri was observed with complete solemnity in the same programme. A documentary on the life of Qudwa-tul-Aulia was shown which the audience appreciated. The clips wherein Qudva-tul-Aulia was showering love on Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri were also included in the documentary. Sayyidna Tahir Allauddin al-Gillani al-Qadri always guided MQI and extended his patronage to the mission of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri. He would instruct his followers to join MQI.

A lecture of Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri on importance of character building was shown to the audience in which he instructed the workers to focus on their moral and spiritual training. He said that weeping for sake of Allah Almighty was a key to seek His Nearness.

The programme ended on Dua for peace, prosperity and wellbeing of Pakistan and humanity.


Ijazat Chains of Authority