Pir Sahib of Golra Sharif supports Long March

Syed Ghulam Moin-ul-Haq Gilani, Pir sahib of Golra Sharif, has extended his unflinching support to peaceful Long March of MQI and asked his followers and the people of Pakistan to join the struggle for change in the country by rising above all divides and differences. He said that the objectives for which Pakistan was created were yet to be realized and it was incumbent upon the people to support a movement which endeavoured to accomplish those objectives. He said that given the challenges the country was confronted with, only a competent, honest and dedicated leadership could steer it out of these multiple challenges and put the country on the trajectory of socio-economic development.

Syed Ghulam Moin-ul-Haq said that it was unfortunate that the country had drifted from the course charted for it by its founding fathers. He said that things had come to such a pass that a clear violation of objectives behind the establishment of Pakistan was being done with abandon. He said that our current system of elections failed to produce a competent, honest and pious leadership and was a major hurdle in the way of realization of Pakistan’s dream. He said that electoral system needed reforms.

Pir sahib reminded that Golra Sharif had been a great supporter of implementation of Islamic system in the country. He said that Syed Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din alias Babu Jee palyed a key role in getting recommendations approved by a 22-member Ulama Committee consisting of religious scholars of all schools of thought that laid the basis for formulation and adoption of Objective Resolution in 1949. He said that Babu Jee also stayed in touch with the Governor General and other government leaders in this regard.

Pir Syed Moin-ul-Haq asked all political and religious forces to support Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s one point agenda of electoral reforms in the country and take part in the Long March on January 14 in this regard. He said that it was a matter of collective interests and importance and we could play our religious and national role by supporting this agenda of reform in our individual and party capacities. He said that only reformed electoral system could pave the way for emergence of true and representative leadership of the country. He said that the nation was already paying the price of inaction, adding that we could ill-afford further drift in our national affairs. He said that it was time we rectified our past mistakes and struggled to create a better future for our succeeding generations. He said that making Pakistan a modern Islamic, democratic and welfare station was our mission for which we should play our individual and collective role.

