Celebration of the Prophet`s (saw) Mawlid in Walthamstow, London

Celebration of the Prophet`s (saw) Mawlid in Walthamstow, London

Venue: Walthamstow Assembly Hall London

Date: 23rd April 2004

Organised by Idara Minhaj-ul_Qu’ran, London

Guest Speaker (in English):

Shaykh Siddiq Ahmed Nisar (Shayk-ul-Islam West Indies)

Chaired by:

Shaykh Nisar Ahmed Sulaimani

Urdu Speakers:

Shaykh Khurshid Alam Sabri

Shaykh Ramazan Qadri

Other Speakers:

Sister Khadijah Atkinson (English)


The Shaam Group

Presided by:

Shaykh Abu Bakr Sudani

Sidi Ahmad Thomson

Al-Hamdu Lillah, approximately 1500 sisters and brothers gathered for this splendid event orgainised by Idara Minhaj-ul-Qur’an London in Walthamstow.  A thousand Minhaj-ul-Qur’an introductory packs were distributed by the sisters and brothers of MYL, and many books and videos of lectures by Shaykh-ul-Islam Tahir-ul-Qadri were sold. Thank you to all the organizers and participants for making the programme a great success. We pray Allah (swt) reward you abundantly, Insh’Allah.

Siter Khadijah Atkinson

