Books by Sahibzada Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

Five of his creative works have also seen light of the day; the first of these being a poetic anthology known as Naqsh-e-Awal, which was published in July 2007. This poetic collection contains the labours of his pen of seven years i.e. from the age of 13 to 19.

The second intellectual work of Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri appeared in the form of a book entitled Stratégie de diversification d’EDF à l’étranger. Written in French language, this book describes revealing facts and furnishes useful information about EDF, the biggest semi-government organization of France. This book throws light on and analyses various factors responsible for riots that erupted last year in France, the real story about the issue of salaries of employees and reasons of differences between EDF and government. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri has suggested various policy prescriptions by undertaking comprehensive appraisal of the problem.

The third book of Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri is written in Urdu language under the title of The Sugarcane Industry in Pakistan (a critical appraisal). He has highlighted a number of facets of sugarcane industry in Pakistan and offered several solid suggestions to overcome problems facing the industry.

His fourth creative work entitled as Sugarcane Ethanol as an Alternate Fuel Source for Pakistan is a research-based work, which tends to explore sugarcane ethanol as viable energy source. The whole world is going through the worst of times characterized by energy and food crises with adverse implications for the global economies. Especially the economies of the third world countries have been hit hard by virtue of their sole dependence on consumption of oil, thereby increasing the import bill by causing the depletion of hard earned foreign currency reserves. For the first time in the history, the oil prices per barrel touched the psychological benchmark of $150. In this book, the learned author has analysed the possibility of using the sugarcane ethanol as an alternate fuel source along with the suggestions to make it a viable option. The book lays the foundation for future work on the subject.

The fifth book of Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, entitled as ‘Saarc & Globalization : Issues, Prospects and Policy Prescriptions’, throws light on the various aspects of globalization in relation to Saarc. He has analytically presented the challanges posed to the South Asian region and made recommendations to transform these challenges into opportunities to offset the negative implications of globalization and use it in the larger interest of its people. In addition to that, the book contains a number of articles that the author contributed to the leading English-language newspapers of Pakistan. These articles broadly discuss the politico-economic issues facing Pakistan in particular and the region in general. The implication here is that political conditions impact upon the economic health of a country very deeply and as long as political house is not set in order, economic well-being cannot be achieved. The book presents a model for economic integration of South Asia in light of experiences of regional groupings like European Union, AFA, and NAFTA etc. Another noteworthy aspect of the book is simple and lucid manner in which it has been written.

