100 deserving families benefit from free shopping on the third day of the Eid Family Festival
Minhaj-ul-Quran’s Deputy Secretary-General of Media, Noorullah Siddiqui, Visits Various Stalls at the Festival
Spending in the Way of Allah Leads to Paradise; The Wealthy Have a Duty Towards the Needy
On the third day of the Eid Family Festival, organized by Minhaj Welfare Foundation Lahore, Central Information Secretary and Deputy Secretary-General of Media, Noorullah Siddiqui, visited the festival upon special invitation. He toured various stalls and observed the festival's activities. On this day, 100 deserving families were given the opportunity to shop for free.
Upon his arrival at the festival, Noorullah Siddiqui was warmly welcomed by Captain (Retd.) Abdul Majeed, Qasim Sarwar, Mumtaz Khichi, and Ahmed Sadiq, who also briefed him about the festival.
Speaking on the occasion, Noorullah Siddiqui emphasized that spending in the way of Allah is a deed that leads to Paradise. He stated that the needy have a rightful claim over the wealth of the affluent. Citing a hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), he said, “Spend without counting, otherwise Allah will also give you in a measured way; and do not withhold, or Allah will withhold from you.”
He further highlighted that while Islam ensures equality in rights for all individuals, some people, due to physical disabilities or unforeseen calamities, are left behind in the race for material progress. Islam strongly advocates for their care, support, and financial independence.
Captain (Retd.) Abdul Majeed shared that the third day of the Eid Festival was specifically dedicated to individuals with disabilities. To facilitate their shopping experience, they were provided with wheelchairs and assigned coordinators who assisted them at every stall.
Deputy Director of Minhaj-ul-Quran’s Media Cell, Abdul Hafeez Chaudhry, also attended the Eid Family Festival with his family. He appreciated the concept of providing dignified support to the needy and including them in Eid celebrations. He emphasized that such Eid Family Festivals should be held in every city and that philanthropists should step forward to support these initiatives.