Do not ruin your hereafter by blindly following your desires: Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri
The founder and patron-in-chief of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, in his address on the second day of the City of I'tikaf, said, “Do not ruin your hereafter by blindly following your desires. Do not let the dominance of your desires harm your faith and your hereafter. He said that the true friends of Allah are those who abandon the fleeting luxuries of this world and find peace in the remembrance of Allah. Those who make Allah’s pleasure and the success of the hereafter the purpose of their lives will be the ones who succeed on the Day of Judgment. Instead of chasing temporary worldly pleasures, follow in the footsteps of the chosen servants of Allah, for this is the path to salvation and prosperity.”
Meanwhile, the Chairman of Minhaj-ul-Quran International’s Supreme Council, Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, in a post-Zuhr intellectual and training session, spoke on the topic of the lives of prophets and character building. He stated that Allah Almighty provides guidance for the purification and training of the self through the mention of His prophets. The Holy Quran contains numerous lessons and accounts full of wisdom and admonition. Narrating the lives of the prophets is both a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a tradition of Allah.
Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri further said that Allah Almighty has sent the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a role model for the Muslim Ummah. By recounting these prophetic stories, Allah intends for people to remember His prophets repeatedly and to take lessons from their piety, patience, contentment, and belief in divine oneness. These were the successful and blessed individuals whose path leads to both worldly and eternal success.
Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri highlighted that when the disbelievers and polytheists inflicted hardships upon the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Allah comforted him by informing him about the trials faced by previous prophets. At times, He mentioned the suffering of Prophet Yunus (AS) in the belly of the whale, at times, the patience of Prophet Ayyub (AS), the imprisonment of Prophet Yusuf (AS), the ordeal of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) in the fire of Nimrod, the hardships faced by Prophet Isa (AS), and the steadfastness of Prophet Musa (AS) in the face of Pharaoh’s tyranny.
He said that the fundamental purpose of these accounts is to teach that Allah Almighty is All-Powerful and never abandons the steadfast people of truth. Prophets are the leaders of their nations, and an ideal leader is one whose patience and endurance are as firm as a mountain. A leader endures difficulties so that society may become a cradle of peace and harmony. A leader enlightens the nation so that no one can enslave them by force or exploit their ignorance.
Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri stated that all the hardships faced by previous prophets were endured collectively by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), yet even in the most challenging situations, he never cursed his Ummah. Instead, he always prayed, "O Allah! Grant my Ummah the treasures of guidance and bestow upon them honor and dignity in both this world and the hereafter."
He emphasized that the lives of the prophets play a fundamental role in character formation and self-development. One of the greatest attributes of the prophets is that they communicated with people according to their level of intellect and understanding. Allah Almighty has repeated numerous Quranic verses to reinforce key messages so that they become firmly established in people's minds. This is the most effective method of communication.
Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri further elaborated that when Allah sent Prophets Musa (AS) and Harun (AS) to Pharaoh, He commanded them to speak to him gently. A good conversation, he said, enhances the beauty of human nature. When Allah does not hesitate to repeat an important message for better understanding, then why should we feel reluctant to reinforce key lessons repeatedly?
He urged that this principle should always be kept in mind by scholars, preachers, parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, and speakers. He concluded by saying that engaging in dialogue with sincerity and a positive approach is also a prophetic tradition. If someone persists in wrongdoing, it is the duty of people of knowledge and truth to address them repeatedly with kindness and a sincere intention for reform.