Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Greece

Greece is significant from the perspective of world religions. The history of Christianity is very old here. Intellectually speaking, philosophy and renowned philosophers were born here. There are a large number of Muslims and Pakistanis in Greece. Minhaj-ul-Quran International was formally launched here in 1997 in Athens. There are four Islamic centres and six libraries of Minhaj-ul-Quran in Greece. In addition to imparting religious education, these Islamic centres also take keen interest in solving the problems of the local community. Shaykh-ul-Islam visited Greece in July 2000. He was given red-carpet welcome. He also delivered historic Friday sermon at a Sports Ground attended by Pakistanis and Muslims in a large number. It was the biggest ever gathering of non-Greek people in Greek history. Besides addressing 'Milad and Sira Conferences', Shaykh-ul-Islam had meetings with prominent figures and Pakistani businessmen.

Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Athens, Greece
Ithakis 63, Ag. Ioannis Rentis 182 33, Greece


Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Athens
Ithakis 63, Ag. Ioannis Rentis 182 33, Greece
+30 2104928182


Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Thiva
Avlidos 8, Thiva 322 00, Greece

