Rememberance of Imam Hussain (AS) Conference

Date: 18th February 2006

Venue: Minhaj-ul-Quran Educational and Cultural Centre,
49 Woodwards Road,
Alumwell, Walsall,

Talawah: Sr Rafana Razaq

Joint stage secretaries: Sr Nasreen, Sr Mussarrat and Sr Farah

English Speech: Sr Khadijah Atkinson

Urdu Speech: Sr Faiza

Organizers: Minahj ul Qur’an Walsall Women League

By the grace of Almighty Allah, and his beloved Messenger (saw), a congregation of both youth and elders was gathered for the remembrance of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as), and the sacrifices that the blessed family of the Prophet (saw) made for us.

The conference started with the zhikr of Allah (swt) through the moving recitation of Surah Rahman, which granted peace of mind and satisfaction of the heart.

Sr Riffat recited a hamd to further enhance the remembrance of Allah (swt). This was followed by the glorification of the Prophet (saw) in the form of naats, which were recited by Srs Naseem and Tasleem.

Thereafter, the guest speakers, Srs Khadija and Faiza together beautifully recited the Qasida Burda Shareef. Before commencing, Sr Khadija explained “Qasida Burda” as meaning the “poem of the scarf.”

Sr Khadijah began her speech by briefly expressing her feelings about Islam, saying that she finds it amazing that everything in Islam has special virtues and qualities. As well as giving respect to people, we also respect particular days and months, and the month of Muharram is one of the sacred months appointed by Allah (swt), which deserves special respect.

Sr Khadijah went on to talk about the qualities of Hadhrat Fatima (as). She mentioned the saying that “Behind every great man, there is a greater woman,” and related this to Imam Hussain (as), the greater woman was not necessary his wife, but his mother, Hadhrat Fatima (as).

Sr Khadijah took us into the realms of imagining what Hadhrat Fatima’s (as) life must have been like when the Prophet (saw) began preaching, while she was only 5 years old. From a very young age, Hadhrat Fatima (as) had so much courage to speak against tyranny, being a female in a society where women had no status. She spoke of many examples of the life of Hadhrat Fatima (as), and how she became known as ‘ume habiha,’ which means the ‘Mother of her Father.’

Sr Khadijah linked the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) to today’s society, and how the beloved family of the Leader of the whole worlds (saw) faced much bereavement and hardship, to bring us Islam. 72 members of the blessed family of the Prophet (saw) lost their lives for the sake of justice, so that we can have the privilege of sitting in gatherings today. She explained how we must take a look deep within ourselves and clean our own hearts instead of pointing fingers at others, by studying the great women in Islam, and the seerat of the Prophet (saw). Sr Khadijah concluded with a powerful message stating, “Don’t let Hussain’s (as) death be in vain.” Sr Khadijah’s lecture was taken from the lectures of Sheykh -ul- Islam.

After the break for Asr prayer, there were more uplifting nasheeds, by sisters Anika and Humera, sisters Aleena and Zara, sister Almas, and sister Sameena. A group of sisters of the mosque students also recited a collective nasheed.

Following this, Sr Faiza delivered an Urdu speech which she commenced by stating that everything that exists today is given to us from the blessings of the Prophet (saw). She then addressed the question that one might ask regarding this fact, which is that as the Prophet (saw) was not martyred, where has martyrdom come from. She explained that there are two types of martyrdom, hidden and evident, and that Allah (swt) blessed the Prophet (saw) with both types of martyrdom through his grandsons, Imam Hassan (as), and Imam Hussain (as).

Sr Faiza explained that Imam Hassan (as) was poisoned, and therefore was martyred in a hidden way, and that this can be related to the Prophet (saw), as an attempt was made to poison him too. Although he (saw) did not die directly from through this poison, he (saw) still suffered the ill effects of the poison through the rest of his life. She then stated that Imam Hussain (as) was evidently martyred in the battlefield. This can be related to the Prophet (saw) as his tooth was dislocated during a battle. Therefore, the martyrdoms of the grandsons of the Prophet (saw), allowed their Grandfather to be blessed with both types of martyrdom, as was the divine will of Allah (swt).

Sr Faiza concluded that the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) gives us the message of sacrifice. The Islamic year starts with sacrifice, corresponding to Muharram, and ends with sacrifice, corresponding to Dhul Hijah, which symbolizes that Islam begins and ends with sacrifice. Sr Faiza’s lecture was taken from Sheykh –ul- Islam’s lectures.

The programme ended with dhikr and dua, led by Sister Faiza.

Islamic literature, including books, videos and DVDs were available, and food was served.

May Allah (swt) accept the efforts of all those involved in organizing this conference and may they remain strong to continue to spread the message of Islam.


Reported by Sister Musurat.


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