Minhaj Center Austria Established in City Vienna
the grace of Allah Almighty and blessings of beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad
(blessings & peace be upon him), after a long struggle, the dream of “Minhaj Culture
& Education Centre Austria” came true last week when 320 sqm ground floor building
was rented to MQI Austria and Khawaja Muhammad Nasim, the president of MQI Austria,
presented the keys of centre to local chapter and Pakistani Community. Many of MQI
members and community representatives were gathered to have a first look of Centre.
The center is located at Toss gasse-4, A-1150 Vienna.
A special prayer for the success of centre was held and all sweet & tea was served on the occasion. Everybody was thankful to Allah Almighty for this noble centre. MQI members also paid special thanks and appreciated the tireless struggle of Khawaja M. Nasim for Minhaj Centre. While talking to media reporters, Khawaja M. Nasim briefly brought into light the different departments like Mosque Hall, Women education hall, children hall, Guest apartment & youth and public social centre etc. He said that this centre will fulfill all educational and social needs of community. Moreover education of young generation, true message of peace, love, interfaith harmony, social integration, active social role of women and human welfare will be the basic purposes of this centre.