Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Overseas
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri founded the Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International in 1981 and established its headquarters in Lahore. He fixed and well-defined the objectives to achieve and launched his vigorous and lifelong struggle to spread Islam’s message of peace, harmony, human dignity, moderation, tolerance and integration all over the globe. Through massive contact with the humanity entire in the form of his over 5000 lectures and sermons and a thousand books authored on diverse subjects, he succeeded in setting up the MQI centres in over 90 countries in the world in a short period of three decades. These centres are heavily engaged in achieving the targets of peace and prosperity on the globe under his inspiring and galvanizing leadership.
Widely spread all over the world, this colossal setup of MQI centres entails a highly effective, efficient and centralized coordination to measure progress, monitor performance, sort out hurdles and issues and ensure smooth working of the MQI around the globe. Over and above that, the dissemination of instructions, supply of demanded books and DVDs, ideological and spiritual training control in the pursuit of peace morality and spiritualization of youth all over the world by Shaykh-ul-Islam’s teachings and guidance necessitate a nucleus of information and communication at the MQI Headquarters located in Lahore.
That nucleus was established by Shaykh-ul-Islam in early years of his international struggle in the form of the Directorate of Foreign Affairs (DFA) at the MQI Headquarters Lahore. Since its inception, the DFA has been following its objectives headed by different central leaders of MQI. Here are some of the major objectives the DFA is all-time active to realize.
- Da’wa and Propagation of True Islamic Teachings
- Reformation of the Moral and Spiritual Affairs of the Umma and the whole of humanity at large
- Revival of Islamic Sciences
- Promotion and Renaissance of Islam
- Promotion of Peace, tolerance and interfaith harmony and dialogue.
- Promotion of education, integration and community cohesion
- Coordinating the activities of various MQI centres in the world
In order to achieve the above goals and expand the MQI international network the Directorate of Foreign Affairs performs the following functions.
- Utilizing modern means and methods to provide literature and information for religious and spiritual uplifting of its foreign members and awakening awareness of the MQI peace objectives among non-Muslim communities
- Formation of Scholars’ delegations for Islamic preaching. These delegations include the renowned international literary figures and scholars of Minhaj-ul-Quran International
- Coordinating visits of leaders, executives and delegates of foreign chapters of MQI
- The MQI is operating more than 150 mosques, schools, offices, Islamic libraries and community halls in its centres all over the world. DFA appoints the alumni of Minhaj University at these centers for the educational and religious education of Muslim communities living there.
- Providing the foreign chapters of MQI the requisite guidance to establish new mosques, libraries and schools in foreign countries
- Liaison with foreign diplomatic missions in Pakistan to introduce them to Shaykh-ul-Islam and MQI and the objectives, programme and struggle to achieve the goal of peace and harmony in the world
- Maintaining / updating the foreign members database and sending them monthly magazines and MQI literature
- Coordination between Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) and foreign chapters MQI for fund collection.
- Issuing bimonthly newsletter and flash news for making the foreign members aware of the overseas and local activities of MQI.
