Minhaj-ul-Quran International, UK
Minhaj-ul-Quran UK is the UK branch of the Minhaj-ul-Quran International organisation based in London. MQI started its education, welfare and human rights work in the United Kingdom in 1986 and held its first international conference at Wembley Arena, London. MQI UK has its presence since 1984 with its first official office opening in 1994 in East London.
Since then, Minhaj-ul-Quran UK has opened ten community centres serving all parts of the country from Glasgow to London and has tens of thousands of affiliates more than 5000 regular members.
Its emphases on welfare, education, inter-faith dialogue, moderate Islam, integration-focused policies, and anti-extremism match those of its parent organisation. At the moment the current President of Minhaj ul Quran UK is Muhammad Afzal Saeedi and Ali Abbas bukhari is the General Secretary.
England is the oldest country and is known to all and sundry in the Sub-continent due to their colonial rule here. A large number of Pakistanis live in UK. In spite of the situation prevailing after 7/7, the image of Minhaj-ul-Quran International as a peaceful, moderate and enlightened party has gained strength due to its positive role in the crisis. After the 7/7 bombings, the London Police Chief visited MQI London, addressed a gathering in the mosque and expressed his gratitude for the cooperation extended by MQI.
The Minhaj-ul-Quran International was founded in UK in 1994 in London. So far, 9 Islamic Centres are working in various parts of the country. They are: London, Bredford, Manchester, Brimingham, Nelson, Dundee, Glassgow, Walsall and Rockdel. There are 26 chapters of Minhaj-ul-Quran International throughout UK. Details follow.
MQI LondonIt was March 16, 1994 when Minhaj-ul-Quran International Islamic Centre was founded in London and today this Centre is owned by MQI. This centre was an old cinema house but MQI purchased it for eight lac pounds and converted it into Islamic Centre.
MQI NelsonOn March 21, 1995, MQI started its operations in Nelson when a three-storey building was purchased for an amount of 12 lac pounds. After necessary renovation, this building houses centres for training of children and offices of Minhaj Welfare Foundation. Minhaj Education Centre has also been set up where highly educated and specialized teachers are rendering their services. In addition to a library, there is a beautiful mosque with a capacity of around 700 people to offer their prayers at one time. The work of MWF is more organized than anywhere in the world and its central office is located in the ground hall. Under MWF Nelson, Zakat collection, collection of charity donations and collective sacrificial drive are the activities undertaken annually.
Other Welfare ProjectsUnder MWF Nelson, projects of emergency nature have been undertaken. Campaign was run for the drought-hit victims of Sindh and Baluchistan province. Minhaj Education Centre Nelson observed non-uniform day and funds were collected from the Pakistani expatriate community through sponsor letters.
Tsunami-hit peopleIn 2005, Tsunami devastated 12 countries including Indonesia taking a heavy toll of 2 lac people. MWF played its full part on this occasion and campaigned vigorously for the collection of funds for the Tsunami-hit people. A team of MWF visited Indonesia and distributed its donations there from among the people.
Milad Ramadan RadioUnder the banner of MWF, a Community Radio has been set up since 2002, which is busy in broadcasting the message of peace for 24 hours. FM 107 is broadcast from Lancashire and it has its outreach to millions of people.
MQI Nelson NewLondon is the place where the first Community Centre of MQI was established but the biggest one is located in Nelson. Keeping in view the demands of increasing population, the building of a nightclub was bought for 2 lac pounds and converted into second Community centre. It houses a grand mosque and libraries consisting of books and recorded speeches of Shaykh-ul-Islam.
MQI BradfordThe formal launching of Minhaj-ul-Quran International was done in 1998 when a dance club was purchased and converted into an Islamic Centre. It is the platform for the promotion of peaceful religious teachings as well as welfare activities. This step of converting this dancing club into an Islamic Centre has endeared Minhaj-ul-Quran International to the local population and especially Muslims.
MQI BirminghamThe work of MQI started in Birmingham in 1999 when a factory building was bought and transformed into an Islamic centre, which houses a mosque, library and welfare offices etc. A large number of Muslims of this city are associated with Minhaj-ul-Quran International.
MQI ManchesterManchester is famous because it is a city where huge industry is located. Grand industrial projects are present here. MQI launched its operations in 2001 when 40-room hotel was bought for an amount of 2 lac and fifty thousand pounds and converted into an Islamic Community Centre.
MQI RochdelMinhaj-ul-Quran International was established in 2003 when a building was purchased for an amount of 1 lac pound and turned into Minhaj Islamic Centre. Like other cities of UK, the work of mission continues here as well.
MQI WalsallA factory building was bought and converted into Islamic centre in this city at the urging of Muslims and Pakistanis living there. The cost of building is 2 lac and 90 thousands pound. The local Muslims and Pakistanis come to this Centre for the solution of their problems as well as for education.
MQI Dundy ScotlandThe Islamic centre of MQI is established in the city of Scotland in Dundy. With the mutual collaboration of Scottish Islamic & Cultural Centre, MQI is busy in its work. MQI is engaged in religious, welfare and cultural activates.
