MWL (Italy) hosts ‘Imam Hussain Conference (RA)’
(Milano, Italy) arranged a special talk of Ms. Sumaira Faisal, Coordinator of
Minhaj Women League and Sister League, Europe) on the subject of Imam Hussain’s
(RA) glorious services for promotion of truth, human rights and safeguarding the
teachings of Islam in the face of physical, ideological and intellectual
onslaught by Yazid. The talk was open for members of Pakistani diaspora
Ms. Sumaira threw light on the philosophy of epoch-making event of Karbala and what impact it had on history. She said that the great Imam (RA) knew that if he did not raise the banner of truth, Yazid would deal a huge blow to the Islamic teachings. So he chose to render the supreme sacrifice of his life and that of his kith and kin to save the religion of his revered grandfather from being disfigured. The audience got valuable knowledge and insight into the event of Karbala.
In a separate meeting with women workers of Minhaj-ul-Quran Youth League and Sister League (Italy), Ms. Sumaira Faisal said that MQI was working for promotion of peace, interfaith dialogue and harmony in the world. She said that women had a great role to play to spread this message of love and harmony in their communities. She highlighted the importance of strategic communication in order to achieve the desired results.