Itikaf City 2008: Second Day
He said the Muslims were being subjected to the label of terrorists through a malicious campaign. In these circumstances, Minhaj-ul-Quran International was the only organization with worldwide network which was engaged in the efforts of promoting true message of Islam. He said word Islam has originated from Slm, which meant security and peace. “The one who is a terrorist in his character and conduct is neither a Muslim nor a believer”, he said.
Islam and terrorism were antithesis to each other. He said Allah Almighty named religion as Islam, its follower as believer and branded a person as enjoying spiritual excellence who devoted himself to worship and prayer. When Islam and Iman reach their zenith, the stage a believer achieves is called spiritual excellence. “The reformation of ones ways is Islam, correction of beliefs is Iman and purgation and purification of heart is called spiritual excellence”, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri added.
He said the person who was not peace-loving did not have Iman and mercy was far ahead of peace. Allah Almighty sent the Holy Prophet (saw) as a mercy for all the worlds. Therefore, the followers of the Holy Prophet (saw) could not be terrorists.