MWF Overseas, News

Showing Results: 16 to 30 of 99
Page No. 2 of 7
Ramadan with Minhaj Welfare Foundation
Orphan and Needy Sponsorship
Syria Crisis Appeal
India: MIWF carries out welfare activities to commemorate Mawlid-un-Nabi (PBUH)
Phase-1 of Help Feed Project of MIWF completed
Minhaj Sisters walk in aid of MWF’s Raising Smiles project
Minhaj Interfaith and Welfare Foundation delivers winter relief in Srinagar
MWF Winter Campaign
London: Fund raiser for Syrian refugees
Ashton holds 2nd Annual Event with MWF for Tharparkar Water Aid
UK: MWF working for welfare of poorest of the poor
UK: Fundraiser held by MWF (Sheffield)
Halifax (UK): Fundraising workshop highlights MWF work
India: Phase-4 of MIWF Help Feed project completed
India: Phase-3 of Help Feed Project of MIWF completed

Widely spread all over the world, this colossal setup of MQI centres entails a highly effective, efficient and centralized coordination to measure progress, monitor performance, sort out hurdles and issues and ensure smooth working of the MQI around the globe.

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+92 42 35171404
+92 42 111-140-140