On Monday, February 17, Minhaj Women League Denmark and Minhaj Sisters League Denmark organized a special reception and luncheon in honor of Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri...
Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri addressed the sisters training camp online and while speaking on the occasion, Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said, th...
Dr Ghazala Qadri presided over the Awards and certificate distribution ceremony for Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters teams and herself distributed appreciation certifica...
Dr. Ghazala Qadri met with the representatives of Minhaj Dialogue Forum. The President of MDF Aminah Ishaq presented the team and Sobia Farooq gave a detailed presentation of ...
Dr. Ghazala Qadri had an interactive sitting with Minhaj Sisters during her visit to Denmark where they had a Q&A session. Dr. Ghazala gave them great pieces of advice and...
Dr Ghazala delivered second lecture on the topic “The importance of Jama’ah”. She said that the philosophy of working together in a jama’ah is that it helps overcome t...
Minhaj Sisters held a spiritually uplifting nasheed and dhikr session. The sisters started the session explaining the importance of remembering Allah and His prophet (pbuh). E...
Dr Ghazala Qadri delivered her first lecture on the topic “The importance of Dawah and Minhaj ul Quran” and said that Dawah is something of great importance within Islam w...
Dr. Ghazala Qadri met with the representatives of Minhaj Women League Odense in Copenhagen, Denmark and President MWL Odense Sara Yusuf gave a report of their activities. Dr. ...
Dr Ghazala Qadri had a meeting with the executive teams of Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters Denmark in Minhaj ul Quran Amager Center. President MWL Amager Mrs. Najma Mur...
Chairman Supreme Council, Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri met with the office bearers and workers of Minhaj Women's League & Minhaj Sister's League ...
From the 19th of January 2018 to the 22nd of January 2018, Alima Tahira Firdous from Norway was on an organizational visit to Denmark, which was arranged and hosted by Minhaj ...
On the 3rd of December 2016, Minhaj Women League Demark held their great annual conference at Valby center to celebrate Milaad-un-Nabi (peace and blessings be upon him). The e...
On the 13th Ramadhan, Saturday 18th June 2016, Minhaj Ul Quran Women League, (Valby), organized a conference in the memory of Syeda Fatima Zahra (RA). The gathering was attend...
Another guest of the event was respected Sumaira Faisal from Belgium, President of Women European Council, who beautifully spoke about the auspicious events of Shab-e-Meraj. S...
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