MWL Norway, News

Showing Results: 16 to 30 of 32
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MYL Norway hosts annual Iftar event
Norway: Nasheed Course 2013 held
Milad-un-Nabi Conference held in Norway
Iftar Dinner held under Minhaj Reconciliation Council (Norway)
Minhaj Youth League Norway congratulates the Nafli Itikaf participants
MYL Norway organizes 3-day training Itikaf during the holy month of Ramadan
MWL Norway conducts Training Course on ‘Safar-e-Inqilab’
Reception in the honor of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League Daraman
Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaks on issue of forced marriages
Annual Health Seminar MWL Norway
Workers Convention Minhaj-ul-Quran International Norway
Spiritual Training Camp for Minhaj Women League and Minhaj Sisters Norway
Nafli Itikaf for Women Arranged by Minhaj Women League, Norway
Sewing Course for Women and Girls Arranged By Minhaj Women League Norway
Miraj-e-Mustafa (saw) Programme (Oslo Norway)
Minhaj-ul-Quran Norway is the Norwegian branch of the Minhaj-ul-Quran International organisation based in Oslo. MQI established its centre in Norway and Denmark early in 1984.
Enebakkveien 36B, 0657 Oslo
971 280 301
22 19 19 83