Minhaj Youth League Norway congratulates the Nafli Itikaf participants
beloved Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) said: "Whoever stands
in prayer during the nights of Ramadan, firm in faith and with a hope of reward,
will be forgiven his previous sins."
Three days of our Prophet's Sunnah has given the 33 sisters participating in nafli I’tikaf the opportunity to implore forgiveness for their sins and to isolate them from all material things, and just come closer to Allah SWT. And as the evaluating forms show – each and every sister felt that she had gained something from this I’tikaf. Some sisters also mentioned that they felt they were leaving as a better and different person, than when they arrived.
The sisters in Minhaj Youth League Norway wish to congratulate all our sisters who participated in nafli I'tikaf in Minhaj-ul-Quran Oslo. This was a unique opportunity for all of us to acquire more knowledge about our Deen and the principles that Islam consists of. Therefore, we are pleased on behalf of each sister and we hope that I'tikaf is an experience that we will never forget and that we will have the ability to implement this further in our lives, Insha'Allah.
May Allah SWT help us to become a better Muslim, to become really fond of our beloved Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and to become familiar with all aspects of our religion.
Insha'Allah and Aamin!
Report by: Nafisa Khan
Minhaj Youth League, Norway