MWL Overseas, News

Showing Results: 136 to 150 of 714
Page No. 10 of 48
UK: Minhaj Sisters - Celebrating the Beloved ﷺ
UK: Mawlid e Mustafa ﷺ Conference held by Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League London
Mawlid un Nabi (Salla-Llahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) - Milton Keynes
Canada: Dr. Ghazala Hassan Qadri addressed Mawlid-un-Nabi ﷺ conference organized by Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League
UK: Milad-un-Nabi ﷺ conference held in Blackburn
Northampton: Milad ceremony held for women
MWL (Nelson) holds Milad ceremonies
Minhaj Sisters UK holds Al-Tazkiya camp 2019 - Day 4
Minhaj Sisters UK holds Al-Tazkiya camp 2019 - Day 3
Minhaj Sisters UK holds Al-Tazkiya camp 2019 - Day 2
Minhaj Sisters UK holds Al-Tazkiya camp 2019 - Day 1
Minhaj Sisters Walsall Organized Community Iftar for Christians
Weekly classes focus on the respect of parents
MWL (Acrington) holds Milad program for girls
Regular studies circles being held by Minhaj-Sisters

Widely spread all over the world, this colossal setup of MQI centres entails a highly effective, efficient and centralized coordination to measure progress, monitor performance, sort out hurdles and issues and ensure smooth working of the MQI around the globe.

365-M Block, Model Town, Lahore Pakistan
+92 42 35171404
+92 42 111-140-140