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Showing Results: 4741 to 4755 of 5,804
Page No. 317 of 387
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri condemns bomb blast in UN building, Islamabad
Urs of Dr Farid-ud-Qadri on October 6
Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri becomes president of Federal Council
MSM holds Peace walk
MSM's seminar on 'Role of students in today’s Pakistan'
MQI (Bradford) - Agosh charity event dinner
Rao Khalil Ahmad calls on Nazim-e-Ala
Secretary General of MQI Greece visits Central Secretariat
Conference of the Nordic Forum for Mediation and Conflict-Management in Reykjavik, Iceland
Hafiz Iqbal Azam & Adnan Sohail visit Austria
MQI's Director of Interfaith Relations meets Sikh Pilgrims
Newham safer transport team visit to MQI centre during Ramadan
Women Training Itikaf 2009: Ninth & the Last Day
Itikaf City 2009: Last day
MQI Japan celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr