The world’s second biggest Itikaf after the one held at the Two Holy Mosques in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began in Lahore yesterday. Thousands of participants, both men and wo...
Sobia Qasim of Science group bearing roll no 742564 scored 1013 marks and won first position in the school, while Saba Safdar, bearer of roll no 120007, got 946 marks and rema...
Younger student of Jamiat-ul-Minhaj Tahfeez ul Quran Institute and Secondary School Lyari,, Mr. Talha Saif-ur-Rehman, was awarded 2nd position in a Hifz Contest (Ist 10 paras)...
Speaking to the participants of the Caravan, Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz said that hundreds of people have taken to the street not only to express their gratitude and happiness to mar...
Attended by hundreds of women, Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League (MWL), Wagha Town, organized lectures on the Holy Quran for five consecutive days starting from August 10 in Rahmat...
Addressing a seminar to mark the festivities on the 65th Independence Day held under the aegis of Minhaj-ul-Quran Youth League, Faiz-ur-Rehman Durrani, president of Pakistan A...
Ms Sumaira Rafaqat, Secretary General of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League, has said that the women of the Muslim world need to take a leaf from the blessed lives of Hazrat Khudija...
Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League arranged a 5-day long Tanzeemat Camp from July 24 to July 28, 2011 in Minhaj College for Women, Township Lahore. Those who played significant role...
Irfan-ul-Quran Courses occupy central importance for reconnecting people to the Holy Quran, creation of awareness among the female students and preparation of instructors for ...
In his speech to the participants of the annual gathering, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that we should continue the struggle of winning the pleasure of Alla...
The inaugural ceremony of Minhaj Free Poly Clinic was held on July 16, 2011 under the banner of Minhaj Welfare Foundation, Ravi Town, Mughlia Park,Shahdra Lahore. Iftikhar Sha...
The training department of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League (MWL) organized a 7-day Islamic Learning Course from July 4 to July 10, 2011 in Minhaj College for Women (MCW), Townshi...
A three-day meeting of Students Parliament and Training Camp was held under the banner of Mustafavi Students Movement in the Youth Hostel at a recreational place called Khanpu...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that Allah Almighty bestowed knowledge of each and everything on the Holy Prophet (SAW) and nothing was kept hidden from him. A...
Shaykh-ul-Islam has said that the practice of running national economy with the oxygen of foreign loans has endangered the national security and economic self-reliance does no...
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