Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council hosted "Tahaffuz-e-Pakistan Ulama-o-Mashaykh Convention" in its central secretariat in Model Town, Lahore, which was attended by prominent religi...
The 41st monthly spiritual gathering of Gosha-e-Durood was held on May 7, 2009 on the roof of Suffa hall of the central secretariat. Amir-e-Tehreek Faiz-ur-Rahman Durrani pres...
The College of Shariah & Islamic Sciences of Minhaj University organized an extension lecture in the University Model Town campus on May 5, 2009. Renowned TV journalist and an...
The National Peace Council Meeting was held in Central Secretariat Minhaj-ul-Quran International attended by Nazim-e-Aala MQI Dr Raheeq Ahmed Abbasi, Muslim League (Q) leader ...
The College of Shariah & Islamic Sciences of Minhaj University organized an extension lecture in the University Model Town campus on April 29, 2009. Renowned TV journalist and...
On April 28, 2009, certificate distribution ceremony was held under the banner of Director of Training of MQI. One month long computer training course was organized for the st...
The students of Arabic and Islamic Studies department of Minhaj University submitted their final theses of M. Phil. This is the first session of M. Phil students after the awa...
The Governor House hosted a ceremony to celebrate the Sikh festival of ‘Besakhi’ on April 20, 2009. A large number of the Sikh pilgrims came to Pakistan to pay regards to ...
The Hindu religious festival of ‘Holi’ was celebrated across the world on April 20, 2009. A special ceremony took place in local temple in Lahore to celebrate the occasion...
On March 20, 2009, the Hindu cultural festival of ‘Holi’ was celebrated across the world including Pakistan. A ceremony was held in Hera Krishna Temple in Lahore. On the i...
Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council organized a prestigious Ulama-o-Mashaykh Convention & inauguration ceremony of al-Minhaj-us-Sawi in the Shad Bagh on April 16, 2009. Dr Sarfraz N...
Mass marriage ceremonies held under the banner of the Foundation have become its prominent feature. One such ceremony of mass marriages whereby 23 couples tied the knot was he...
Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) is all set to hold a splendid ceremony for congregational marriages on April 12, 2009 on Saturday in the Minhaj Park in front of the main build...
The National Peace Conference was held on April 9, 2009 under the auspices of Minhaj-ul-Quran International and Pakistan Awami Tehreek. The conference was attended by 150 repr...
Addressing the participants and leaders of different political and religious parties who attended the “National Peace Conference” held under aegis of Minhaj-ul-Quran Inter...
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