Throwing light on the broad contour of next and decisive phase of revolutionary struggle, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that it was a ‘moment to do or die’. He said that current ...
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that he would be coming to Pakistan in June than in July as previously announced. He said that the current obsolete and corrupt system had ...
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that the present governments came into being as a result of rigged elections that were presided over by an unconstitutionally composed Elec...
MWL UK Executive team’s quarterly meeting was held on May 26, 2014 to review its activities at executive and local levels. The meeting was the first to have taken place sinc...
On 21st May 2014, Jamia Masjid Minhaj-ul-Quran (Nelson) began weekly lecture sessions for young students who attend the education centre. Sister Tahira Basharat, head teacher ...
On Sunday 18th May Sandwell Minhaj Women’s League UK held an event on May 18 to celebrate Shab-e-Miraaj at Corbett Street Mosque in Smethwick. The programme was attended by ...
On 16th May 2014, a new MWL chapter was established in Mill Hill South London UK. The ceremony held in this connection was attended by ten 10 sisters. The program started with...
Alhumdulillah MWL Walsall has established a weekly combined Halqa Imaan and Halqa Darood Sharif which is held on every Saturday from 4 pm to 6pm. The programme starts with sho...
On 11th May 2014, the Minhaj Women League (Burnley) held a gathering of sisters to show their support for the 11th May Nationwide public protest held in Pakistan under the lea...
On Saturday 10th May 2014, Minhaj Women League UK Executive Team presented a training workshop for the Minhaj Women League Midlands Zone chapters. Workshop was arranged at Min...
On Friday 9th May, Jamia Masjid Minhaj-ul-Quran held a Khatam Sharif and ‘Giyarvi Sharif gathering’ in honour of the Grand Shaykh late Nazim Al Haqqani (RA) who passed awa...
On Friday 25th April 2014, Jamia Masjid Minhaj-ul-Quran, Nelson, held a Naat competition and monthly spiritual gathering of ‘Giyarvee Shareef’ for young female students st...
Minhaj-ul-Quran International (Walsall chapter) organized a monthly spiritual gathering on May 4, 2014 to mark the occasion of ‘Giyarvi Shareef’. More than 35 women attend...
Dawood Hussain, Managing Director of MWF, said: “It is important that the UK government focuses on ensuring good governance, strengthening accountability and ensuring that t...
Kitere is located in the North Easter region of Kenya. It was affected by a severe drought which took the lives of many thousands of people. This rural community is about is 2...
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