On 4th of May (Friday) in the grounds of Saint Mary's Church, the Luton Council of Faiths held a Peace Vigil, calling on the Luton community to stand up for peace and unity in...
With its new and life changing projects, Minhaj Welfare Foundation is looking forward to having partners and volunteers willing to donate their time and determined to make a d...
The fifth weekend of the Executive tour coincided with the Easter weekend and the Executive made their way to Waltham Forest in London. Under the leadership of the local coord...
The 28th of April 2012 marked the 5th yearly (60 months) ghosha-e-darood at MQI, London. Simultaneously, Quran-khawani took place for the ‘isal-e-sawab’ of the late mother...
The grand finale of the Muslim Youth League UK – Sisters Executive Tour took place in Birmingham. The Birmingham sisters had made all the necessary arrangements at the Saltl...
On Sunday 15th April 2012 the Pearls of Knowledge class organized a Mawlid-un-Nabi to commemorate the blessed birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW) under the guidance of Allama Abdu...
The final week of the Muslim Youth League UK – S Executive tour started off in Walsall, a small town in the West Midlands. Under the leadership of the local Coordinator, Yas...
Under the leadership of the local coordinator, Anbreen Hussain, the Newham sisters had made all the necessary arrangements at the Minhaj-ul-Quran International Centre on Romfo...
After a boost from the Muslim Youth League UK – Sisters executive team, on Saturday 7th of April MYL-S Huddersfield had their first sisters’ circle. A total of 15 sisters ...
The Executive of the MYL– Sisters (UK) made their way to Halifax for the second leg of the fourth week of their tour. Greeted by beautiful scenery as they entered the small ...
Sheffield, South Yorkshire was the first stop of the MYLUK-S Executive tour during the fourth week. Local coordinators Asima Zahir booked the Sharrow Community Forum, Old Juni...
Minhaj-ul-Quran International (UK) organized a reception in the honour of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri upon his return from his successful visit to India. The re...
On the 25th of March 2012, Muslim Youth League (Birmingham) organized the first of a series of events reflecting on the lives and teachings of the luminaries of the Islamic sc...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, founding leader and Patron-in-Chief of MQI, reached the United Kingdom on March 20 after his successful visit of India. The central...
The Muslim Youth League UK – Sisters Executive started off the third weekend of their tour by visiting Huddersfield. The tour, which is aimed at raising awareness, building ...
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