MQI UK, All News

Showing Results: 721 to 735 of 776
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Benazir Bhutto's Sister Visits MQI Centre on Romford Road in London
$50,000+ Salvation after Tsunami
Sisters Programme Rochdale 20th Nov
Daura Sahih Muslim Sharif
Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at community leaders event
Al-Hidayah 2007 : Residential Spiritual and Educational Retreat
Al-Hidayah 2007 - Hythropark, Oxfordshire, UK
In The Remembrance of our Brother Shahzad Shaffi (Late)
Mosque Open Day for the general public held at Nelson UK
Istiqbal e Milad-un-Nabi Conference 2007 UK
Birthday Celebration of Beloved Quaid (Glasgow)
Inauguration of FM Radio 103.1 and Mosque in MQI Nelson
Al-Hidayah 2006 Report
A warm welcome to Al-Hidayah Camp 2006
Muslims of Europe Conference
MQI UK has its presence since 1984 with its first official office opening in 1994 in East London. It is registered with the charity commission and as a private company for England and Wales.
292-296 Romford Road, Forrest Gate, London, E7 9HD, UK
+44 (0) 208 2571 786