MQI UK, All News

Showing Results: 736 to 750 of 776
Page No. 50 of 52
An Evening of Spiritual Excellence
Grand UK Conference 2005, Central Manchester Mosque
Grand UK Conference 2005, Central Manchester Mosque
Open Heart Surgery
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair visits Minhaj-ul-Quran London
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair visits Minhaj-ul-Quran London
United in Jihad on Terror
Special Friday Prayer for London bomb victims
Muslims condemn the barbaric attacks in UK
Open Heart Surgery
Meeting with Mr. Muhammad Sarwar, Member British Parliament
Minhaj ul Quran London, Summer School 2004
3-Day Spiritual Camp on Ash-Shifa
3-Day Camp on Ash-Shifa & Tasawuf
London (Ilford) Mawlid Programme
MQI UK has its presence since 1984 with its first official office opening in 1994 in East London. It is registered with the charity commission and as a private company for England and Wales.
292-296 Romford Road, Forrest Gate, London, E7 9HD, UK
+44 (0) 208 2571 786