Heavy monsoon downpour continues throughout the country causing huge loss of life and property. Thousands of people have been displaced, their houses washed away and are left ...
Minhaj Welfare Foundation has launched its relief and rehabilitation operations to help the flood affectees who are stranded in water following massive downpour that hit parts...
Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that Shab-e-Barat is such night on which Allah Almighty descends to the heavens of the world at the last hour of night. His Mercy calls out...
By the grace of Allah Almighty and blessings of beloved Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (blessings & peace be upon him), after a long struggle, the dream of “Minhaj Culture & Edu...
Sister Sumaira Rafaqat (Nazima Minhaj-ul-Qura’n Women League) delivered a magnificent talk on the topic “Various aspects of personality of Shaykh-ul-Islam”. She started ...
Minhaj-ul-Qura’n Women League is going to launch 5-day ‘Tanzeemat’ Camp for the Sisters working in field (chapters). This course will be held at Conference Hall, Central...
Allama Sayyid Farhat Hussain Shah, president of the Minhaj Ulama Council, said that the thick clouds of desperation and despondency are dispersing and the religious scholars a...
Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz, acting Secretary General of MQI, said on the occasion that Pakistan Awami Tehreek and Minhaj-ul-Quran International stood side by side with media whenever...
On 11th July 2010, Minhaj Reconciliation Council organized a training workshop at a local marriage hall of Gujrat city. The workshop was headed by Sohail Ahmed Raza, Director ...
Allah Almighty has provided the perfect code of life through the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the form of Islam. There is not a single aspect of humanity, which has been left unguid...
LONDON: Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK hosted a question and answer session with Sir William Patey (UK Ambassador to Afghanistan) which was facilitated by the FCO at its Lon...
By the grace of Almighty Allah and the blessings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) the Minhaj-ul-Qura’n Women League organized a 7-day Islamic Learn...
Mr Muhammad Mustafa (GM Malik), Deputy Secretary General MQI, who was on his visit to Norway last month, visited the foreign office in Norway, met Mr FM Alf Arne Ramslin (Asst...
The leaders of different religions got together to participate in a ceremony of lighting peace candles at the revered shrine of Data sahib under the banner of Directorate of I...
In a rare show of inter-religious harmony, the Muslim and Minority leaders who belonged to different religions joined hands to condemn the suicide blasts in the revered shrine...
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