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Showing Results: 4936 to 4950 of 5,797
Page No. 330 of 387
Central birthday ceremony at MQI secretariat
MQI Nagoya celebrates birthday of Shaykh-ul-Islam
MQI Austria celebrates birthday of Shaykh-ul-Islam
58th Birthday of Shaykh-ul-Islam celebrated in al-Azhar University
Leaders of minorities pay rich tribute to Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Minhaj University honours its alumni in style
Minhaj Reconciliation Council Spain comes into being
International Ambassador of Peace Seminar
Week long celebrations conclude on painting and essay writing competitions
Pir Syed Naseer-ud-Din Naseer of Golra Sharif passes away
MSM holds seminar to celebrate Quaid Day
Scholarly contributions of Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri lauded
Quiz competition in College of Shariah & Islamic Sciences
Minhaj Welfare Foundation dispatches relief goods for Ghaza
Essay writing and speech competition in COSIS