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Annual Health Seminar MWL Norway
Visit of the Foreign office bearers to Central Secretariat
Establishment of New Branch of MQI at Mauritius
Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League protests against anti-women incidents
Muslim Scholar Shaykh`Ali al-Hashimi’s Visit
The life and teachings of Shaykh-Abd-Ul-Qadir Al Gilani (ra)-Summary Report
Bazm-e-Qadria (Minhaj University) organizes Mehfil-e-Naat
Minhaj Productions launches Minhaj News
MQI leaders host dinner in the honour of Dr Farid Piracha
Mustafvi Students Movement Peace March
Muslim Youth League UK Announcement
MYL UK Meeting & Launch
25 Collective Marriages under MWF Faisalabad
PAT and MQI strongly condemn ‘Aaj’ TV for its character assassination of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri
MWF Qurbani Appeal 2008