On Saturday the 8th of October 2005, during the holy and blessed month of Ramadhan Mubarak, the women league of Minhaj-ul-Quran International by the grace of Allah (Subhana wa...
Dr Tahir Hameed Tanoli, Director, Farid-e-Millat Research Institute (FMRi) talks on "Jurisprudential Position of Transplantation of Human Organs" in Geo TV`s program "Alf" ...
Dr Tahir Hameed Tanoli, Director, Farid-e-Millat Research Institute (FMRi) talks on 'Jurisprudential Position of Transplantation of Human Organs' in Geo TV's program "Alf" ???...
It`s a great pleasure for us to let our all Muslim brothers and sisters that a special lecture of Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri regarding Shab-e-Barat will be ai...
Alhamdu Lillah the conference entitled Miraj-un-Nabi Conference, was a great success. The organizers are very happy with how it went. The mosque was full to its capacity with ...
Alhamdu Lillah the conference entitled Miraj-un-Nabi Conference, was a great success. The organisers are very happy with how it went. The mosque was full to its capacity with ...
Setting off from London Islamic Cultural Centre we were about to embark on our spiritual journey of Al Hidaya camp 2005, on our quest for thirst of knowledge. And in s...
By the grace of Allah and the blessings of the Holy Prophet (Salalaho Alehe Wa Aalehi Wassalam) there is a monthly arrangement of Mahfil-e-Milad-un-Nabi (Salalaho Alehe Wa Aal...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, keeping in view the intellectual and spiritual need of the hour, started translating the Holy Quran into Urdu around 1990, to illum...
British Muslim youngsters and Minhaj-ul-Quran (MQI) leaders welcomed the visit of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair to the mosque of Minhaj-ul-Quran Internati...
British Muslim youngsters and Minhaj-ul-Quran (MQI) leaders welcomed the visit of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair to the mosque of Minhaj-ul-Quran International...
The shocking news of the London bombings came at time when the happiness for the Londoners was at a peak after successfully winning the bid to host the Olympic Games 2012. The...
Minhaj-ul-Qur`an International (MQI) UK and its associate organisation Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) have condemned the series of barbaric attacks in the UK`s capital city L...
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