Sacrifices of Imam Hussain (AS) remembered
the grace of Allah Almighty, MWL Sheffield arranged 10 special programmes to mark
the first 10 days of Muharram. These took place at houses of different sisters.
On the 9th of Muharram, the Halqa commenced with recitation of the Glorious Quran
including the Surah Yaseen by all the sisters that attended. Over the ten days four
Quran e Majeed were completed.
Sister Nasreen Akhtar (MWL UK Dawah Secretary) delivered a heartfelt speech on tragic events of Karbala. She spoke eloquently about sacrifices of Sayyeda Fatima-tuz-Zahura’s (AS) family throughout the tragic events. It is these sacrifices that allow Islam to be resurrected after each Karbala. She said that the whole mankind wants to claim Imam Hussain (AS) as their own due to his struggle against tyranny.
Sister Nazakat Ali continued the speech on Karbala and all the attendees became emotional as a result. Sister Askar Bibi made a heartfelt Dua. All the sisters presented Salutations and Salaam on our beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon him).
Food was served to all sisters. On the whole more than thirty sisters attended.
Reported by sister Hammeda Khan (MWL Sheffield President)