Rochdale (UK) Mawlid Programme
Date: Sunday 9 May 2004
Venue: Minhaj-ul-Quran Cultural & Educational Centre, Witworth Rd, Rochdale
Talawah: Sarah Ahmed
Urdu speakers: Sister Gulsreen & Sister Khalida
English Speech: Sister Khadijah Atkinson (London)
Other speakers: Amara Asad (English - aged 8)
Organizers: Sisters Nasreen, Shaheen, Fatimah, Gulsreen, Zubaida, Rashida,.Naseem, Khalida & Razia (Rochdale Women League)
Alhamdulillah, this splendid Mawlid Programme was organized by Sister Nasreen and her team. It was attended by a large gathering of both youth & older participants. To commence talawah was recited along with the Qasida Burda Sharif (Poem of the Scarf).
The Urdu speeches were about the seerah of the
Prophet (saw) and the respect we must give our beloved Prophet (saw). A lot of
evidence from the Quran & ahadith was discussed in relation to
the high status of the Prophet (saw). The English lecture also discussed the seerah
of the Prophet (saw) and how as Muslims we should try to prepare for our
afterlife. Emphasis was also placed on joining an organization to work
collectively for the betterment of the Muslim ummah.
The programme rightfully ended with salaam on the beautiful Prophet (saw).
Food was distributed and lectures and books by Sheykh-ul-Islam Tahir-ul-Qadri were sold mashaAllah.
We would like to thank the Minhaj sisters from Oldham, Bradford, Ashton, Bury Manchester and Halifax for showing their support to the Rochadale team by attending this blessed Mawlid programme. We all know the importance of sisterhood in Islam. May Allah (swt) reward all of you inshaAllah.
This was the first Mawlid programme held at the Rochdale Minhaj-ul-Quran Centre. Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to say congratulations for the new Minhaj Centre which has recently been purchased. We all make a dua for its success as we know the Rochdale teams are working hard to raise funds for this centre and we would like to congratulate them for all their hard work and efforts. The Rochdale teams are busy in arranging Islamic studies such as Quranic meaning and translation, salah and tasbeeh prayer and sewing classes for both young and old. May Allah (swt) continue to guide them and reward them in abundance. Ameen
Sister Khadijah Atkinson