International Grand Mawlid Conference UK
THOUSANDS gathered at Walthamstow Town Hall on Saturday evening, 8th March 2008 to commemorate the 1428th birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (s). Participants at the conference included: World Head of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani’s highest spiritual representative His Excellency Shaykh Muhammad Hisham al-Kabbani of USA, Shaykh Ahmad Babikir al-Sudani of London, Shaykh Muhammad Ramadan al-Qadri principle of Al-Farghana Institute in Manchester, Imam Muhammad Sadiq Qureshi of Minhaj al-Quran International centre in Newham, President of National Executive Council for Minhaj al-Quran International UK al-Hafiz Sherraz Elahi of Leicester, Imam Naeem Tariq al-Qadri of Leyton Muslim Community Centre in Waltham Forest, Mayor of the London Borough of Waltham Forest Liaqat `Ali, Justice of the Peace Graham Sinclair of Walthamstow Magistrates Court and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democratic Group, Councillor Johar Khan of Waltham Forest

