City of Itikaf 2025: A Spiritual Journey of Divine Love and Tawhid
For the first time this year, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has personally invited both male and female attendees to participate in Itikaf 2025. He announced that the theme of this year's speeches in the City of Itikaf will be Divine Love and the Delight of Tawhid.
Every year, under the auspices of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI), the City of Itikaf is established at Jami’ al-Minhaj, located in Baghdad Town, Township, Lahore, under the blessed shadow of the shrine of Qudwat-ul-Awliya Sayyiduna Tahir Ala-ud-Din al-Qadri al-Gilani al-Baghdadi. Devotees from Pakistan and across the world gather to immerse their hearts and minds in the light of faith and certainty, experiencing the blessings of Itikaf. Over time, this City of Itikaf has transformed itself into a grand spiritual, educational, and training institution, where worship, remembrance of Allah, self-purification, and spiritual cleansing elevate the attendees.
In his public invitation, Shaykh-ul-Islam declared:
"For the first time in my life, I am personally inviting you to be a part of Itikaf. Last year, discussions focused on the existence of God through the lens of reason and intellect. This year, we will explore Divine Reality through the lens of love and the heart. Last year, the focus was on awareness; this year, it will be on intimacy, devotion, and spiritual absorption. I want my young sons and daughters—whether in high schools, colleges, or universities—to ensure their registration for this year’s City of Itikaf."
The City of Itikaf—The Largest Congregation After the One at the Two Holy Mosques (Haramayn)
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri will deliver nightly addresses after Tarawih prayers. This City of Itikaf is recognized as the largest spiritual gathering in the Islamic world after the Two Holy Sanctuaries (Makkah & Madinah). The speeches delivered here are a treasury of knowledge and wisdom, being meticulously preserved for future generations.
Last year’s theme for Itikaf 2024 was: "Why Believe in God and Adopt Religion?"
Through this series of speeches, Shaykh-ul-Islam dismantled the semi-literate narratives of atheists, who attempt to deny the existence of God and pit science against Islam. With faith-inspiring arguments and rational proofs, he demonstrated how even philosophers who initially denied the existence of God eventually had to acknowledge Divine Reality.
Shaykh-ul-Islam refuted the misconception that science contradicts Islam, proving that modern discoveries continually validate Qur’anic truths. Examples include:
- The drowning of Pharaoh
- The Big Bang theory
- The stages of human embryonic development
- The mountains being like pegs rooted underground
- The expansion and contraction of the universe
- The systematic order of the solar system and how stars and planets move along predefined orbits
- All these scientific facts, which were only discovered 250–300 years ago, were revealed 1450 years ago through the Qur’an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
Shielding the Youth from Atheism and Godlessness
Every word of Shaykh-ul-Islam’s speeches served as a remedy for the Ummah’s youth, protecting them from the onslaught of atheism and irreligion. Social media had become a battleground where atheism and godlessness were being aggressively promoted to alienate young minds from Islam and faith. There was a deafening silence—no one was countering these intellectual attacks.
In response, Shaykh-ul-Islam stood as a fortress against this ideological assault, fulfilling his religious and national duty by defending the faith of future generations with Qur’anic and prophetic arguments.
Challenging Atheistic Thinking
Shaykh-ul-Islam posed a thought-provoking question to those who deny the existence of God:
"Scientists have never seen the atom or its subatomic particles (neutron, electron, proton), yet they accept their existence without direct observation. But when it comes to believing in God, they demand proof, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence within the Qur’an confirming Divine Reality. Why this contradiction? The intellect is clouded by ignorance and scepticism when faced with this truth."
He also pointed out: "All human knowledge is dependent on the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell). These senses send signals to the brain, which then interprets the data and forms conclusions. The brain does not perceive knowledge on its own; it relies on these senses. However, God exists beyond the realm of sensory perception. How can one rely on the limitations of the brain to understand the infinite?"
Faith Beyond the Senses
Shaykh-ul-Islam emphasized that the signs scattered throughout the universe serve as pathways to recognizing God. This is where the true essence of "faith in the unseen" (Iman bil-ghayb) unfolds—a reality that science, with all its advancements, continues to uncover but has yet to fully comprehend.
Shaykh-ul-Islam, in his recent announcement, stated that while last year’s speeches were based on the standards of reason, this year, the standards of the heart will be used to discuss the Divine Existence. He also recalled his declaration at the last Global Mawlid Conference, where he announced that the remainder of his life would be dedicated to the research and pursuit of etiquette, morals, and character development.
Undoubtedly, the decline in etiquette, morality, and character has inflicted severe damage on our faith and conviction. To fill this intellectual and spiritual void, Shaykh-ul-Islam has chosen this year's theme: "Divine Love and the Delight of Tawhid."
Tawhid (divine oneness) is the foundation and cornerstone of the structure of faith. It is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam, upon which the entire framework of Imān (faith) and Islām rests. Tawḥīd is not merely a philosophical or linguistic discussion, nor just a matter of debate; rather, it is a state of being and spiritual experience that emanates from within a person. It is a profound connection with the Divine that liberates a person from the fears and sorrows of both worlds, guiding them on the path of true servitude.
There was a dire need for contemporary scholarly circles to address doctrinal matters in a purely academic and balanced manner to guide the youth of the Ummah and future generations, protecting them from misguided beliefs and ideological deviations. However, instead of addressing core theological principles, people have magnified secondary differences, creating doubts about the fundamentals of faith, including Tawhid and Risalat (Prophethood), ultimately weakening belief and conviction.
To fulfill this crucial theological and intellectual necessity and safeguard the youth from doctrinal corruption, Shaykh-ul-Islam has chosen this spiritually enriching theme.
Indeed, these speeches will instill a renewed passion and fervor for faith in the hearts of the listeners. In Minhaj-ul-Quran’s invitation-based and spiritual efforts, the City of Itikaf offers a dedicated environment for worship and self-discipline. Special arrangements are made for men, while women also have designated spaces with Shariah-compliant segregation, where they receive Islamic education and spiritual guidance.
All Muslims in Pakistan are invited to attend the City of Itikaf 2025. Due to limited space, prior registration is required.
May Allah Almighty grant us the ability to learn, teach, and reform our spiritual conditions.