MQI Lahore, Featured News

Showing Results: 451 to 465 of 632
Page No. 31 of 43
Leaders of Different faiths stress need for interfaith harmony & sustained engagement to defeat vested interests
Arabic & English declamation contests held
Muslim, Hindu & Christian leaders reiterate their pledge to work for Pakistan in a ceremony held under MQI
Thousands attend protest demonstration against price hike under PAT & MQI
National leaders pay tribute to Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri in 'Ambassador of  Peace Seminar'
Sahibzada Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri delivers a lecture to PhD scholars
Shaykh-ul-Islam’s birthday celebrated at Minhaj University Lahore
International Mawlid-un-Nabi Conference 2011 under MQI
MWF Distributes books and uniforms among female students
Meeting of Students’ Parliament under MSM
Monthly Spiritual Gathering of Gosha-e-Durood - January 2011
National Conference: Role of Media….Democracy & Politics
A Seminar on Islamic Teachings & Political Morality of Contemporary Age
MWF’s two-day workshop for its office holders
Seminar : Character of National Heros --- a solution to Leadership Crisis
Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI) is a broad based Islamic organisation representing a moderate vision of Islam and Sufism, working for peace and integration. It was founded by Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri in 1981 in Lahore, Pakistan.
Minhaj-ul-Quran International
365 M, Model Town Lahore
+92 (42) 111 140 140