Houston (USA): Tributes paid to Hazrat Umar e Farooq (RA)
Minhaj-ul-Quran Ghous-e-Azam Mosque, a program was held on 15th Oct 2015 about the
Shahadat-e-Farooq e Azam Sayyiduna Umar (R.A). The event started with the recitation
of the holy Quran by Qari Muhammad Ismail Hamdani. Naat was recited by Hafiz Muhammad
Mukarram Niazi.
Allama Afzal Ahmed Qadri, while delivering his speech, paid rich tributes to the leadership of Hazrat Umar e Farooq (RA), the second Caliph of Islam. He stated how Sayyiduna Farooq e Azam (RA) implemented the teachings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), which made the poverty disappear from the society. He proved by his actions as to who is the leader and the led. And in fact, this is the message which Minhaj ul Quran International is spreading. He said that MQI is promoting the message of peace, love and interfaith harmony in the world. The program ended with Dua.