COVENTRY (Royaume-Uni) — Plus de 1.300 jeunes musulmans britanniques et européens ont participé à une rencontre de trois jours à Coventry (centre de l'Angleterre), surno...
Vi prøver å lære opp de unge, slik at de skal greie å slå tilbake argumentene fra de radikale. Vi vil gi dem kunnskap til å motsi ekstremistene og bekjempe ideologien de...
Mehr als 1300 junge Muslime aus Europa haben an einem sogenannten Anti-Terror-Sommercamp in Großbritannien teilgenommen. Bei der dreitägigen Veranstaltung im zentralengl...
In Coventry (Großbritannien) fand ein dreitägiges Antiterror-Sommercamp statt, an dem über 1.300 junge Muslime aus europäischen Staaten teilnahmen. Die Muslime wurden in...
In Coventry haben mehr als 1300 europäische Muslime an einem "Anti-Terror-Sommercamp" teilgenommen. Dabei sollten sie lernen, wie sie Aufrufen zum Terrorismus von Extremisten...
Londres, 7 ago (EFE).- El primer campamento de verano contra el terrorismo organizado por musulmanes en el Reino Unido comenzó hoy sus actividades en Coventry (centro de Ingl...
MUHAMMAD TAHIR-UL-QADRI: ...clear according to Qur'an and Sunna, these kind of people having this terroristic or militant agent that has no link with Islamic teachings......
Devotees of Muslim scholar Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri have gathered at the University of Warwick's campus to be taught practical ways of countering extremist views in their sc...
LONDON: Britain's first "anti-terror" summer camp opened Saturday, with the goal of teaching Muslim youth how to rebuff extremists who try to recruit them at schools and in on...
The head of the organization Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said `I feel it1s my duty to save the younger generation from radicalization and wave of terroristic recruitment in the We...
The three-day event in Coventry is expected to see more than 1,000 young Muslims at sessions teaching religious arguments to use against extremists. The event has been organis...
(Reuters) - Over a thousand young Muslims are due to attend a camp in Britain to discuss terrorism this weekend, but rather than encouraging militancy the organisers' mission ...
LONDON: Over a thousand young Muslims are due to attend a camp in Britain to discuss terrorism this weekend, but rather than encouraging militancy the organizers mission is to...
LONDON The first major Muslim event designed specifically to tackle Islamist extremism and terrorism will take place in the UK this weekend. Kicking off on Saturday, al-Hidaya...
Moderate Muslim declares "intellectual and spiritual war" against extremism ahead of first "anti-terror" camp...
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