MQI for effective steps to address Balochistan issue

Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi, Secretary General of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, has dubbed the present situation in Balochistan as a conspiracy to destabilize the country and expressed his deep concern over the fast deteriorating situation in the province. He said that it was inevitable to eliminate the sense of grievance of the Baloch people. He said that the resources needed to be spent on improving the standard of people’s living, education and providing job opportunities to the youth to mainstream them into the national life.

Dr Abbasi said that it was critical to identify the sources of outside support to the insurgents and take immediate and effective steps to eliminate them for the establishment of sustainable peace. He said that dialogue was the preferred option to resolve all issues and the military operations if any should be stopped.

Dr Raheeq Abbasi said that the people of Balochistan had equal rights on the use of resources generated from their provinces. The government, he said, should pursue a justice-based policy in this regard. He said that the neglect of the issue would further complicate the situation. He said that immense natural resources of Balochsitan elicited interests of the global actors and we needed to take steps to stabilize things by addressing their grievances. Dr Abbasi said that the most important issue was being ignored as a result of the political power wrangling.

