Special Message of Shaykh-ul-Islam for Members of MQI
Respected Rufaqa’ of MQI
As-Salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh
His eminence, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri founded the Minhaj-ul-Quran International 32 years ago. Ever since he established this worldwide Organization of the Prophetic Mission, the benevolence, awards and blessings of Allah Most Gracious and His Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) bestowed on it, have been unimaginably colossal. This international organization pursuing the Prophetic Mission, has happened to be the trustee of gains, boons and benefits granted from the holy presence of Allah’s Exalted Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). The central secretariat of the MQI is the guest house of Allah’s Beloved Messenger Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). The MQI is in permanent focus of the Holy Prophet’s mercy and the spiritual eye of all the exalted saints and the pious of the Umma. That establishes its trueness and veracity.
The MQI and its members are awash with the Divine and Prophetic awards, as if immersed in Their boundless magnanimity and generosity. In this regard, I have the honour to convey to you the fresh message of felicitation received from his eminence Shaykh-ul-Islam, to make all the members of MQI share and benefit. That will certainly strengthen your belief and bolster your trust and confidence.
Huzur Shaykh-ul-Islam felicitates:
“I most profoundly and ardently extend my heartfelt, warm, deep and a special congratulation to all those members of MQI who are firmly attached to MQI, are, day and night, engaged in promoting the Mission, truly, deeply and steadfastly seeking the pleasure of Allah Most High and His Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), persistently follow the teachings of Allah and His Prophet the Merciful (blessings and peace be upon him), implement the Minhaj-ul-‘Aml I have decreed, sincerely strive hard for the sake of Allah to make the Mission flourish and grow at all levels—intellectual, ideological, scientific and pragmatic—and maintain their love, devotion, loyalty and steadfastness and are die-hard workers of the Mission.”
Huzur Shaykh-ul-Islam has intentionally not given the details of the felicitation message and has stressed upon all Rufaqa’ not to supply any subjective and flighty interpretations to the message and explain its contents, nor to bring this felicitation under discussion.
Huzur Shaykh-ul-Islam has also advised all Rufaqa’ to offer 100 cycles of voluntary prayer each, to submit their humble gratitude to Almighty Allah and submit its reward in the most sacred Presence of Allah’s Beloved Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). All the MQI members (Rufaqa’) should undertake to accomplish these 100 cycles of supererogatory prayer as early as possible, spreading them over days and nights according to their respective convenience.
May Allah Most Exalted be with us! May we all serve our sacred Prophetic Mission with love and sincerity under the patronage of Huzur Shaykh-ul-Islam, as per his guidelines may we live our lives following the Qur’an and Sunna, and may this companionship persist and become eternal.
Thank you.
With best Regards
(Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi)