Halaqa Duroos o Durood held by MWL Canada
gatherings of Halaqa Duroos o Durood are being held by Minhaj Women League Canada
in different locations since September 2013.
Respectively the Program schedule went in the following order
- A residence at Hurontario St, Mississauga.
- A residence at Erin Center Blvd, Mississauga
- A residence at 10th line, Mississauga
- A residence at Etobicoke Toronto
- A residence at Hurontario St, Mississauga
- A residence at Erin Center Blvd, Mississauga
These Mehfils started with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by translation from “Irfan ul Quran”. After this everyone joined in the recitation of Darood Sharif collectively. The first Kalma and Astaghfar are also read by audience. Nasheeds were beautifully read by the General Secretary of M.W.L Canada Shabana Mughal and President Minhaj Naat Council Seema Razi.
A renowned scholar from U.K Sister Faiza Qadri specially attended these gathering. She enlightened and purified the gathering with some of these topics Love of Allah (swt), Love of Holy Prophet (sallahu alayhi waslam), Virtues of Reciting Durood Sharif, Death and day of Judgement, Esal-e-Sawab.
Whereas president MWL Canada Syeda Razia Nuzhat gave a brief introduction of Minhaj ul Quran and the books of Shaikh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri. People showed their interest in books and D.V.Ds. Programs ended with salam ad dua.
Report by Areej Zainab Syeda