Peace Resolution - Presented by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
wave of terrorism has engulfed Pakistan, in particular, and the whole world, in
general. The menace of extremism and terrorism has plagued the entire human society,
taking a heavy toll on innocent people every day. This wave of terrorism is, in
fact, a continuation of the tribulation of the Kharijites. The Prophet Muhammad
(blessings and peace be upon him) explicitly acquainted the Umma with all the aspects,
features and details of this monstrous evil. We have to strive collectively with
perfect unity and one accord to eliminate the plague and protect our country and
people from the peril; the earlier, the better. The safety and survival of human
society depends upon total emancipation from extremism and terrorism. The Creator
of the universe is the most compassionate and ever-merciful to His creation while
Muhammad, the final Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him), is an
embodiment of mercy and compassion who Almighty Allah raised as mercy for all the
worlds. Therefore, how it be possible that his followers will slaughter each other?
All such activities are contrary to his teachings and cannot be considered as the
teachings of Islam. Thus, every member of the Muslim Umma needs to be an epitome
of moderation, tolerance, compassion and mercy.
The forces of peace and harmony need to launch a practical struggle with well-coordinated planning to get rid of the tribulation of extremism and terrorism. This is a common goal of the whole of humanity. We put forth this peace resolution to make this international struggle a great success and urge all the peace-loving people to pledge and demand the implementation of all its items and enable the whole of humanity to unite against the menace to guarantee the world peace.
- Islam, a religion of love, abhors violence. It gives a message of brotherhood
and peace to all societies and nations and urges the whole humanity to uphold
the banner of mutual love, respect, and justice.
- Islam is a religion dedicated to service of humanity. In Islam, love and
service of the whole humanity has been regarded as worship. Therefore, there
is a dire need of promoting Islamic teachings of love and egalitarianism.
- We strongly condemn and reject terrorism and extremism in all its forms
and manifestations.
- All human beings are equal and we should treat all of them fairly in a tolerant,
just and equal manner. According to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, no Arab
has superiority over a non-Arab except piety.
- We strongly condemn linguistic, regional and sectarian prejudices and make
a resolve to struggle for social justice and equality.
- All provisions of National Action Plan (NAP) given by the Government of
Pakistan should be implemented for elimination of terrorism. Parliament should
immediately convene its joint session to formulate national policy against terrorism.
Legislation free of ambiguity should be enacted and its implementation should
be ensured. Furthermore, operation Zarb-e-Azb must continue until the complete
elimination of terrorism and tribulation of Kharijites.
- Passing statements in favour of terrorists and provision of any facilitation,
shelter and support to them should be declared as non-bailable offence and strict
punishment should be prescribed for it.
- Roots of terrorism lie in sectarianism, extremism and ‘takfiriyyat’. Fatwas
declaring other Muslims as infidels should be banned and strict punishment should
be prescribed for it.
- The judges of anti-terrorism courts should give verdicts against terrorists
in the same bold and fearless manner in which they hand down punishment to other
criminals in other cases. Terrorists should be punished in days, not months
and years and implementation of their punishments should be ensured.
- Hurdles in the way of military courts should immediately be removed so that
they could decide cases of terrorism and bring the terrorists and hardened criminals
to justice.
- Reforms in curriculum and system of religious seminaries should be ensured
and a national monitoring cell should be constituted for their curriculum, which
should be responsible to identify extremist thoughts in syllabi of religious
institutions and weed it out. All religious seminaries should be asked to get
their curriculum reviewed by this cell and there should be complete ban on teaching
of any other curriculum except the one approved by the monitoring cell.
- Zarb-e-Ilm should immediately be announced to flush out terrorism from society
and Islamic Curriculum on Peace and Counter-Terrorism designed by Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri
should be taught in religious seminaries and other educational institutions.
- Such a forum should be set up at the official level as should review funding
going to religious seminaries and organizations very minutely. Complete ban
should be imposed on direct funding to these seminaries, parties and organizations
on sectarian, organization or institutional grounds. A pool should be set up
for aid coming from the Islamic countries on the pattern of scholarships provided
by the western countries from where funds could be issued on the bases of equality.
- Publication and distribution of literature responsible for propagation of
extremism, sectarianism and terrorism should be banned altogether.
- Blasphemy of all Prophets including the Holy Prophet Muhammad (blessings
and peace be upon him) cannot be termed as freedom of expression at all. It
is a sheer violation of rights of the followers of all religions in the light
of teachings of religions and international laws.
- Factors such as poverty, economic inequality, unemployment and exploitation
support the forces of terrorism and extremism to dig deep. Effective but immediate
steps should be taken for development of backward areas. Provision of quality
education and health facilities in such areas can help.
- The organizations and parties having extremist thoughts and ideologies should
be banned and they should not be allowed to reappear and work under changed
names. The leaders and personalities promoting hatred and extremism should also
be banned and they should not be allowed to work in any manner. Legislation
should be carried out and those violating such laws should be proceeded against
in the ant-terrorism courts.
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is the greatest
ambassador of peace in the history of mankind. He always preferred peace and
promoted it. He abstained from waging a war to every possible extent because
wars do not solve problems. We demand to propagate the Prophet’s teachings of
peace and love and condemn all actions that are meant to put the world in the
pit of war.
- Emphasis has been placed on all categories of al-Jihad al-Akbar at individual
level, whereas lawful war can be launched at the state level after sufficient
conditions have been found to exist. There should be no permission for militant
activities at individual or organizational level. The elements that are spreading
mischief in the name of jihad should be crushed mercilessly because those defaming
Islam deserve no concession.
- There are manifest Islamic teachings of peaceful co-existence with non-Muslims.
Therefore, we condemn every kind of excess against non-Muslim and demand of
the government to set up an effective system for protection of non-Muslims so
that economic, social, political and legal exploitation of the less privileged
sections of society could end.
- We also demand of all the governments of the world that they should protect
their minority communities against hatred, violence, lack of tolerance and nationalism.
- It is also our demand that patronage of terrorism and extremism in all its
forms and manifestations should be eliminated at official level.
- Discrimination in international laws and attitudes should be done away with
to pave the way for equality.
- We demand immediate enforcement of provisions of this resolution of peace and pledge to abide by them in letter and spirit. We also announce to become part of this worldwide mission of love and peace.