Faith leaders laud MQI’s services for non-Muslims

Christian leader Dr James Channan laud MQI services for non-Muslims

Christian leader Dr James Channan has said that the Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan seems reflected in the ceremonies held under the banner of MQI. He said that marriages of non-Muslim girls is a proud tradition worthy of emulation. He said that the participation of the non-Muslim couples in the mass marriage ceremonies under MQI is the highest example of interfaith harmony. He said that marriage of the daughters of the poor Hindu and Christian parents along with their Muslim counterparts reflects the Islamic notion of brotherhood which is far above narrow denomination of religion. He said that followers of different faiths are grateful to Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri and MQI for such a wonderful show of interfaith tolerance and harmony.

Dr James Channan expressed these views while talking on the occasion of his visit of the MQI secretariat along with Reverend Samuel, Reverend Joseph John, Dr Manohar Chand, Pandit Bhagat Lal, Pandit Vijay Kumar, and Arwan Kumar.

Hindu faith leader Pandit Bhagat Lal said that the daughters of the Hindu families were married off with dignity in the mass marriage ceremony held last year. He said that this exercise is worthy of being emulated, adding that this precisely was the teaching of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the vision of the Quaid-e-Azam. He said that such kinds of welfare activities are bringing the followers of different faiths together.

Speaking on the occasion, Director of MQI Interfaith Relations Sohail Ahmad Raza said that two Christian couples will be married off in the mass marriage ceremony to be held on March 19. He said that the MQI is busy in serving the suffering humanity without any discrimination. He gifted Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s book “Human Rights in Islam” to the faith leaders. He threw light on the broad spectrum of services that Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is rendering for the well-being of the humanity.


Ijazat Chains of Authority