Rulers do not know meaning of counter-narrative: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri

PAT Chairman Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri lambasted the present rulers and said that they have looted the country but are not able to write one line of counter-narrative. He said that there was a man who used to vow to break the nexus between the terrorism and corruption and consequence of that could be seen in meaningless exercise of introduction of Qanoon-e-Shahdat in military courts proceedings.

Dr Qadri said that recent amendment reduced the difference between the military and civil courts and now there was only difference of uniform. He further asked how the terrorist could be punished under the Qanoon-e-Shahadat that could not even convict the buffalo thief. He further explained that there was no option other than the military courts to eliminate the terrorism and politicizing the military courts could be disastrous for both the nation and public.

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri made these remarks while talking to PAT core committee. He said that the rulers had no interest in political, judicial, social and economic reforms. There was a pledge while formulating Nation Action Plan that reforms would be brought about and now again the lollipop of reforms was being given but where the reforms were.

PAT Chairman further remarked that there were dozens of witnesses against the masterminds of Model Town massacre but current Qanoon-e-Shahadat was unable to present any of witness under its jurisdiction. Current justice system was erected and being maintained to protect the mafias and their affiliated groups. He said while discussing counter narrative that it was mentioned in the books of comparison of religion in American universities that the founder of counter narrative against terrorism and Osama bin Laden was Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. He asked as to which counter-terrorism narrative was the PM was demanding from mosques and ulemas, adding that MQI had given counter narrative in 2010 and that was being appreciated and adopted globally. He said the Prime minister did not even know the meaning of counter-narrative.

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri remarked while discussing the ongoing debate over blasphemous content on social media that Government had prevented none of those who were spreading blasphemous content on social media. If the government could get access to the bank accounts and private information of political opponents, why the culprits responsible for spreading blasphemous content were not apprehended? What were the hurdles in the way of giving them exemplary punishments? He said that it was possible to check the blasphemous content to be circulated without banning the social media, as it was the era of technological revolution. Actually the rulers were worried about possible criticism on social media in case the decision of Panama case was made against the ruling family. Electronic media had been put in check though PEMRA but the social media was out of control and now the religion was being exploited to control the social media.


Ijazat Chains of Authority