Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri presents research paper on Philanthropy for Humanitarian Aid
Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, President of MQI, presented his research paper at the
Conference on Philanthropy for Humanitarian Aid held under the banner of Sultan
Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei Darussalam. Many dignitaries from various
fields were present at this conference, Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri and senior
politicians Yang Berhormat, Pehin Datu Lailaraja Mejar Jeneral (B), Dato Paduka
Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof and Minister of Culture, Youth &
Sports met and discussed various international issues.
Below is the title & abstract of Dr. Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri’s research paper.
Title Research Paper: Concept of Philanthropy in Islam – A Case Study of Khanqas and Sufi Shrines in Pakistan
This paper unveils the philanthropic perspective of Khanqas and shrines of Sufi saints entrenched in Islamic Ideology. These have always served as significant training centres and substantially contributed towards the religious, social and spiritual upbringing of humanity at large. Furthermore, these institutions have played a significant role in relieving the sufferings and grappling with social and economic issues especially of the lower rung of society. The founders of these Khanqas were great Islamic and mystic figures who dedicated themselves to philanthropic goals to promote peace and sublime moral values and thus to rid the society of ethical, religious, political and economic ills.
After demise of these revered spiritual figures, their shrines became great socio-religious institutions and hence took the form of philanthropic organizations meant for the welfare of the needy and poverty. These institutions are doing their best in various directions. They have set up schools, free lodges, established health centres, hospitals, orphan care homes and places where hungry and needy could feed themselves for free etc.
The present study explores the concept of philanthropy underlying the injunctions of Islam. The research has been confined to five major shrines in Pakistan for data collection. A detailed questionnaire was filled up by the target research population. It followed a mixed paradigm, qualitative as well as quantitative. The study will not only dilate on the positive aspects but also on the lacunas in the role model of Khanqas and shrines as institutions in Pakistan.