Netherlands: Shaykh Hammad delivers an inspiring address on Divine Mercy and Compassion

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa adressing at mercy conference

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa al-Madani al-Qadri delivered an illuminating address at the Mercy Conference in The Hague, Netherlands. The event united a diverse audience, offering a platform to contemplate and honour the profound concept of mercy in our lives.

Shaykh Hammad underscored the importance of cherishing mercy as a core aspect of our being. Delving into the prophetic wisdom, he emphasised the divine mercy bestowed upon humanity through the Holy Prophet (PBUH), urging celebration and gratitude.

The scholar elaborated on honouring this mercy by praising and embodying the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), guiding us to embody compassion and reflect upon his virtues. Shaykh Hammad emphasised that living by these teachings elevates us to be true role models, bringing light and justice to our communities.

He reminded us that the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) mercy transcends all boundaries, embracing humanity without discrimination. Encouraging acts of kindness and support, he narrated a touching story to highlight the significance of helping one another, emphasising that a life dedicated to improving others is a life truly lived.

Quoting the Holy Qur’an, Shaykh Hammad stressed that extending mercy is vital for both individual and collective wellbeing, essential for fostering strong, cohesive communities.

Celebrating the longstanding tradition of commemorating the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) advent, Shaykh Hammad shared the historical significance and blessings of the Mawlid, urging attendees to connect emotionally to the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) life and departure from this world.

In conclusion, he urged everyone to not only celebrate this divine mercy but to live by the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), encouraging a deep, heartfelt connection.

Leaving the conference, the call resonated to carry the lessons of mercy and compassion into our lives, illuminating our communities and nations. Allah's mercy, embodied by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), continues to inspire and transform humanity.

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa adressing at mercy conference

Shaykh Hammad Mustafa adressing at mercy conference

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

shaykh hammad mustafa adressing at mercy conference

