Dr Ali Akber Qadri leaves for Nepal

It is a matter of immense pride that Dr Ali Akber Qadri, chief editor of Monthly Minhaj-ul-Quran, Director (Research) of Farid-e-Millat Research Institute, and Associate Professor of Minhaj University, left for Nepal in order to attend a four-day workshop, which has been hosted and arranged by United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The first programme under UNAC was held in Murree which was attended by a select group of editors of religious journals from across Pakistan in October 2009. However, the present moot would have the attendance of editors and writers of both religious and secular publications and journals. The purpose of these workshops is to familiarize the editors with the changing imperatives and demands of contemporary age and inspire them to stage an intellectual struggle for promotion of peace, harmony and dialogue at different levels.

